Ask me "what've you been up to". Really, go ahead, ask me! Because, I finally have an answer other than work or "you know, the usual", and I'm so excited about it. A couple of weekends ago, Nicole (Instagram: @darlingindots) took a short trip to Memphis. Mostly, because Elvis. Anyway, it was seriously so much fun getting to see all the history that the city holds, snap some fun photos, sip milkshakes, and just hang out together in general since we don't get to very often! I'm going to run you through our trip day by day, and I know that this is all on a blog, but just pretend that it's a Kodak Carousel projection and I'm holding a clicker. Also, I want to mention that this trip was made possible, and better than we could've planned on our own thanks to Memphis Convention & Visitors Bureau, The Peabody Hotel, Graceland, Sun Records, and The Rock 'n Soul Museum.
Where We Stayed:The Peabody Hotel
The Peabody is one of the most historical spots in all of Memphis. It's been around since the 1800's and is filled with stories. So many stories, that they actually have a historical tour you can take through it. However, what The Peabody is most famous for, is their ducks. Yeah, I said it, ducks. What started as a practical joke back in the 1930's has turned into a tradition they continue today. There are a group of literal lucky ducks that get to live there free of charge in their own "Duck Mansion". And every day, they march behind their Duckmaster, down to the lobby fountain where they swim until the late afternoon. It's suer adorable, and the place gets packed out daily by visitors coming to watch.
Nicole and I in our blue suede shoes holding a couple of Sun Record vinyls. We are SoOoO Memphis.
Oh! And The Peabody has these really cute telephone booths, which I still believe should still be a thing everywhere even if we just use our cellphones in them. Or maybe for free wifi connection or something.
What We Did:
1. Beale Street
Lucky for us, our hotel was just down the road from Beale Street, which is filled with bars, restaurants and live music. We walked down there several times during our trip for BBQ, milkshakes, and to visit the Lansky Brothers Store, which is famous for dressing Elvis.
2. Graceland:
Okay! This is what we came for! Elvis overload! I'm serious when I say we spent hours here, and probably could've just made a whole day of it if we'd had the time. We saw the entire house which is a midcentury lovers dreammmm. Each room is so different and unique in it's own way, that I was surprised by every one. I also learned that Elvis loved TV and in one room had 3 in row, and in another that we couldn't go in, we were told had a TV installed in the ceiling above the bed. It was seriously so cool to walk in the exact footsteps of Elvis and Priscilla and imagine what it must've been like back in the 50's and 60's. Also, at Graceland you get to tour soooo many exhibits. You get to see his cars (a pink Caddy!), clothes (jumpsuits on jumpsuits on jumpsuits), and even some home videos. Oh, another thing I loved was a theatre that is just playing all of Elvis' movies all the time. He made like 33, which still blows my mind. Our tour guide also told us that John Stamos is there like 6 times a year soooooo if any of ya'll happen to be Uncle Jesse fans, visit Graceland and there's a chance you could run into him.

3. Sun Studio
Being a lover of past era's music and a collector of vinyls, Sun Studio was high on the list of things we needed to do. But besides all of that, I feel like it's a must do for anyone who is passing through. SO MANY PEOPLE GOT THEIR START HERE IT'S CRAZY. Not just Elvis, though you do get to hear his swoon worthy first recording. But also, B.B. King, Johnny Cash, Roy Orbison, Jerry Lee Lewis, Carl Perkins, Barbara Pittman, and so many more. One of the coolest parts of the tour is getting to sing into the same microphone as all those greats!
4. The Arcade Restaurant
Please, no one tell Waffle House I cheated on them. We ate here one morning and fell in love with the decor immediately. It's so retro. Like true retro. And that always melts my heart. I ate pancakes while Nicole had an omelet and I think we can both agree it was the best food we had all trip.
5. The National Civil Rights Museum
Sooooo, as you can see here, towards the end of the trip it snowed pretty unexpectedly.We braved some of the icy weather to visit the preservation of the place where MLK was shot. We actually were in Memphis for MLK day, so getting to be here during that time frame was certainly impactful. He was such a great man who set so much change in motion and I hope we never forget it. I also hope that we continue moving forward in the ways he would have wanted.
6. The Rock 'n Soul Museum
Just another place I would call a "must do"! I learned so much here about so many different artists and the evolution of blues and rock 'n roll. Pus, it's filled with a ton of cool jukeboxes, radios, and at one point, a bunch of Elvis movie posters which you can see me dancing around here...
Lastly, we had heard there was some good vintage shopping in Memphis, but due to the snow and the stores closing for the day we sadly didn't get a chance to visit. But, if you do, you should definitely let me know what they're like and what you find! Overall, I would 100000000% go back to Memphis. There was so much we just didn't have time to do, and so much that I would also do again. OH AND they have amazing hot chicken too! Now that I have said that I feel comfortable ending this post. Memphis, I <3 you!