As it get closer and closer to December I can't quit thinking about adding some velvet pieces to my wardrobe, especially in the form of a skater skirt like this one from Topshop! Paired with lace, knee socks, oxfords, and a pocket watch I feel like this outfit gives off a perfectly modern yet Victorian era vibe. Ah, my wishlist is always growing...
Anyways, I haven't even spoken to the best part of this collage yet, which would be the lyrics from the Arctic Monkey's song Do I Wanna Know. I bought this album forever ago now, but the songs are always still stuck in my head. Alex Turner's voice is so, well, so perfect! Put that with the incredibly true lyrics, Matt Helder's drumming, and the sultry guitar sounds from Jamie and Nick, you get the most glamorous old rock n' roll mixed with a little blues album possible. Haha! My music review is cracking my own self up! The point is, it's wonderful and you should listen to it.