romper: missguided, flower crown: made by me, shoes: ebay
There it was, the quiet house, the overgrown bushes, the subject of the townspeople's whispers. There were flowers. There were butterflies. And then there was her, dancing. Spinning. Spinning. Spinning.
Like magic, she set the place alight with just a brush of her hand. Each turn making the place more and more beautiful. So there, crowned with flowers and draped in lace, she was painting the world with the colors of her daydreams.
Honestly though, how magical is this little place? All white with the prettiest screen door, shaded front porch, and flowery uncut bushes, which there were literally butterflies living in. I hate to think that this is place is soon going to be torn down and rebuilt, because I think it's just so beautiful as it is now, like a set for a movie. To this sanctuary of a place I dressed in complete summer whites, because it is August after all. Plus, I'm in love with this playsuit that I just ordered from Missguided. I know it's hard to tell in some of these pictures, but it's made completely of lace and it actually isn't supposed to twist at the top, it's just supposed to be a straight V neckline all the way down. However, being 5'4 the straps turned out to be too long for me to wear it that way, so I twisted it up and turned it into a romper that I love even more than the one I had intentionally ordered. Just add white platform sandals and a flower crown worn to the side (though I had a hard time not making myself a new one out of the flowery bushes) and you're perfectly dressed for a day of daydreaming and butterfly watching on the front porch of an abandoned house.
Btw, props to anyone recognizing the title of this post. Charles Bukowski, is one of my very favorites.