Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Happy New Year

all pictures from tumblr

Happy New Year's Eve! I can't believe it's here already! It seems like just a month or two ago I was sitting around a campfire and ringing in 2013. My, how time flies. I have huge hopes for 2014 though, and even bigger plans. I have so much that I've been working on that I will be able to watch come to life during this new year, and I simply can't wait! Plus, 2014 is an even number so we're off to a good start already! Anyways, while I have huge plans for 2014, I also have a few resolutions.
 1. To update my phone to iOS7. Hard right? I don't know how I'll ever stick to it... haha! Seriously though, my second resolution is to travel! I actually shouldn't call this a new year's resolution, but a life resolution. I haven't seen nearly enough of this world, and I've just gotten to the point where I've decided I'm not going to sit idly by and let anymore time pass with me wishing I was somewhere. It seems I've caught the wanderlust bug, and  believe it's only for the best.


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  2. This comment has been removed by the author.


  3. Happy New Year! Before we proceed to this new part of the book, let hope for all of us to keep our health and body in our best state. However, as we rejoice we can seek to identify examples of sudden illness examples cases that may hit us in future. A year of joy, good health and happiness and of course learning to embrace the surprises life throws at us!
